
Hello and welcome to "Carried Away Cuties"! A few things to know about how I run my business and how to go about adopting one of my babies:
1. Payments Plans
At this time, I only accept PayPal or Zelle for payments. (Zelle is preferred because they don't take a ton of fees out of my earnings like Paypal does.)
I will ship your package out after payment as soon as I possibly can, generally within 1-3 days after your final payment is received. In order to make these dolls affordable for everyone, I offer convenient payment plans, with typically a $100 down payment and then a "pay as you can" policy after that, on your own timetable. All payments must be completed within 90 days unless otherwise arranged with me. Payments are non-refundable, and your baby will ship within 3 days of your final payment being completed. If for any reason you change your mind and decide not to follow through with your purchase, any payments made to date (including initial deposit) will be forfeited.
2. Artwork Signature
I usually add my signature as discreetly as I can to the back of the neck of each baby. This helps to protect my work against plagiarism, and also to add a personal touch to my work.
3. Shipping
I typically send babies by UPS mail, and full insurance is typically included in your shipping fee.
I am NOT responsible for missing, stolen or damaged parcels. Once your package has shipped, you must take up any shipping issues with the shipping provider. I will provide you with your tracking number once your baby ships.
4. Cost
I try to keep my prices as reasonable for you as I can. A lot of my cost goes into the materials, which are the highest quality products.
It takes a LOT of supplies and hours of work to create each baby. Some babies are more costly than others depending on their individual features, the type of hair you choose, and the cost of the vinyl sculpt you choose.
The full cost in materials to create a doll is, in itself, quite a bit. My actual labor cost is usually less than half of your total purchase price. And considering that it takes about a full work week to make one doll (sometimes with overtime - it's not uncommon for me to still be working at 3am), I'm actually probably making about $3/hour. However, I absolutely LOVE what I do and wouldn't have it any other way! I just want my customers to understand why these dolls are priced the way they are. My prices are incredibly fair, if not underpriced, in this industry. I care deeply about my customers and I try my best to keep my products as affordable as possible for you.
5. About Creating Your Baby
I do my absolute best work on each doll. Each doll is created with love and care, and I try to use the best quality products that I can when creating them. I use high quality air dry paints. I originally began as an artist using heat set paints, which have since been known to cause long term health issues. Air dry paints have also been shown to be more durable and long lasting. I use a final matte finish sealer when painting is completed to further protect each baby.
Every baby is unique, so I do not have a set way of doing things; I decide what might look best for each individual baby based on the type of vinyl and the desired achieved look. No two babies will ever look completely identical. If you are requesting a custom based off of a photo you've seen, even if it is my own work, I can do my best to replicate the features. But please keep in mind, these babies are one of a kind works of art. They are hand crafted down to every last detail, and no two will ever be exactly the same, which is what makes them so special.
I stuff the bodies with polyfil and weighted poly beads. I root the hair strand by strand with fine premium quality mohair. The eyelashes are rooted in as well.
I add a scent wafer to each baby to give it that fresh new baby powder smell. If you are ordering a custom and prefer that your baby not be scented, please let me know and I will omit that step.
Details such as veins, capillaries, and even fingernail tips are carefully detailed to create each baby to look as lifelike and unique as possible. Most babies will be created with and include a magnet on the inside of the head, which allows for you to use specially modified pacifiers with it in the future. (This is specific to each baby, so please ask if you are not sure if your baby includes this feature. And again, if you are ordering a custom and do not want a magnet, please let me know.)
6. Box Openings
I typically include nice box openings with each baby unless otherwise specified. Box openings are simply extra gifts the artist chooses to send with the baby; (I like to keep mine as surprises so contents may vary, but I am well known for giving exceptionally generous box openings!).
Box opening "surprises" could include a combination of items such as extra outfits, toys, a bottle, a pacifier, a blanket, a stuffed animal, or other things that I feel will go well with your particular baby, however no one item is guaranteed. Budget babies (usually around $250 and under) do not include box openings. Most listings will state if a box opening is included. If you are unsure what your baby includes, please ask.
There are baby box opening videos sent by customers available for you to watch in the "review" tab as an example of what you can expect. (You can also feel free to create and send in your own box opening video to be added to our collection!) The content is generally based in proportion to your purchase price (very expensive babies will include a more lavish box opening). Your baby will also include a blanket, and typically will arrive wrapped in it for extra protection when shipping, as well as a diaper covering for the head.
The items included with your baby can be brand new with tags, gently used, or a combination of both. Any gently used items are freshly washed and cleaned. I try my best to avoid anything with stains, tears, excessive wear or pilling of fabrics, however sometimes items slip past my vigilance. (Again, do remember that these items are gifts to you; sometimes I would rather send home a less than perfect item that I have acquired as opposed to it going to waste. (Your reborn will not mind if there is a minor flaw! :) )
Remember, box openings are a gift from your artist and are not required when you purchase a reborn doll, so your appreciation for the extra expense, time, love and care into making this as special a moment for you as possible is greatly appreciated. :)
7. Sales Disclaimer and Photos
All sales are final; no returns or refunds are accepted at this time. I post many pictures to show the details of each baby I list, as well as give a detailed description, including pointing out if there are any conceivable flaws. If my description of a baby listed is not enough, and you would like more photos, specific shots, or have ANY questions about one of my babies, I would love to provide you with as much detail as possible before you make your purchase. (However, please only ask for more pictures if you are fairly certain you are making the purchase, as this requires me to set up my photography studio and takes quite a bit of my time to do.) Babies will typically arrive to you wearing the outfit they are photographed in. Photo props and certain prop outfits (such as knitted crocheted sets) are not included with your baby unless otherwise noted; your baby will come with his or her own items in your box opening gift.
I am an honest seller, and you will know exactly what you are getting before you make your purchase. I have not had anybody ever request a return thus far, but I am adding that disclaimer in as part of my own protection and as a part of my policy. If I feel that I have made a serious mistake, or if a baby simply isn't turning out up to my standards, I will list that baby as a "boo-boo" baby and will offer it at a discounted price. My reputation as an artist and your satisfaction as my customer is my absolute #1 priority, and I try to be as accommodating as I can.
8. You are LOVED!!!
My customers are very well loved! Once you become a customer of mine, you become a cherished member of my reborn family. My customers deserve and receive top notch customer service, communication with me at any time, and any help or advice on the education of reborn dolls or on your doll specifically. (And, as my repeat customers know, spoiled rotten with gifts for their babies with each new box opening!)
Choosing an artist to create your reborn baby can be a daunting task. With the variety of talented artists in this industry, I am truly honored that you have chosen me, and I consider myself to be the "surrogate mom" to your baby. Both you and your baby will be forever in my heart once you become part of my reborn family.